fabLAB Asturias. Training Program 2017

Until 23 December 2017

The courses will take place on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (*)

(*) With the exception of the introductory laser cutting course that is taught in the morning (10:00-14:00) and afternoon (15:00-19:00)


November 18 –Introduction to Laser Cutting

November 25 –Introduction to digitizing using photogrammetry

December 9 –Introduction to 3D Printing

December 16 –Macrophotography using focus-stacking

December 23 –Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – Basic Fundamentals

NOTE; If the Wednesday before each workshop, the minimum registration quota is not met, it will be cancelled, which will be communicated to those registered up to that point.
