Asturias Cultural Projects Office

The Cultural Projects Office of Asturias is a service that aims to promote professionalisation and is created with the objective of supporting creators in the search for regional, national and European funding.

The service will be completely free and will be provided by telephone, online and in person, by means of an appointment system.

You can contact us through the form below if you need guidance and advice. You can also find us at LABoral Centro de Arte, in face-to-face meetings, by requesting an appointment at the following email opca@laboralcentrodearte.org The face-to-face meetings will take place on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. You can contact us at any stage of the production of your project for advice and guidance. To this end, we have created a stable structure and will encourage the creation of a network within our community, to facilitate the work of professionals in the sector and in order to promote the realisation of projects in our community and their visibility abroad. Although we cannot take charge of the production of applicants’ projects, we will provide theoretical and practical advice on available resources, calls for grants and subsidies, residency opportunities and mobility grants. We will also try to carry out a follow-up of the different projects that require it.

Procedure to be followed:

  1. RecepReception of proposals
    All proposals will be received online, through the form that will be available on LABoral’s website.
  2. Attention to applicants and appointments. All applications will be answered by email or telephone and, if a face-to-face meeting is required, applicants will be scheduled within the pre-established timetable. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. Study of the projects
    Each project will be studied individually and with due confidentiality. For those projects that require it, applicants will be attended in person at the Oficina de Proyectos Culturales d’Asturies by a professional from LABoral Centro de Arte. In this first appointment, the needs of the project will be studied and, if specialised advice is required, procedures will be sought and facilitated through the network of collaborators that will be created for this purpose.
  4. Follow-up
    Once a month, a meeting will be held with the applicant for follow-up.