Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – Basic Fundamentals

23 December 2017

This introductory course provides simple but solid foundations that will help students venture into the project of building and operating their own aircraft. The existing typologies and their respective uses will be shown, as well as the current state of the market and future trends. The course will continue with some basic fundamentals of the operation of the different types of UAV, and then focus on aspects related to their design and construction: choice of components, power electronics, control electronics and autonomous flight supported by sensors (radio beacons, infrared). .

Addressed to:Over 16 years

Imparted by:Alvaro Escanciano

Master in Industrial Engineering and co-founder of Drone4Students, he has been a speaker at the TEDxYouth Gijón event and has extensive experience in the world of drones. Currently he works in the Project Control department of SacyrFluor.

Javier Labrada

Student of the Degrees in Nautical and Maritime Transport and in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering at the University of Oviedo, he is currently President of the Drone4Students association and music critic for Platea Magazine.

Duration:4 hours

Schedule:10:00 – 14:00

Number of places:8

Registration fee:80 euros / 64 euros (with the Platform 0 annual membership card)


NOTE; If on the Wednesday before the workshop, the minimum registration quota is not met, it will be cancelled, which will be communicated to those registered up to that point.
