
Round table. Video Universe. The Vidéothèque

Included in the programme of activities of FICXLAB, a section of the Gijón International Film Festival, organised with LABoral.

25 November 2014

Teresa Solar + Guillermo Peydró + Miguel Blanco, Lumière magazine + Chloe Dragna, La Vidéothèque

Linked to the exhibition and with the presence of two authors whose works are shown, this meeting is conceived as a presentation of different agents of the audiovisual ecosystem, from artists to filmmakers who are in fact programmers, as well as critics and managers. The subsequent debate, moderated by LABoral Centro de Arte, aims to seek concomitances between different ways of doing things and necessarily complementary ways of conceiving the work around the moving image.

Other activities at FICXLAB 2014:


PERFORMANCE. Esperanza Collado, We can only Guarantee the Dinosaurs

CICLO DE CINE. Memoria del descrédito

EXPOSICIÓN. Universo vídeo. La Vidéothèque

TALLER. Narrativa audiovisual para escolares
