WinterLAB – Symposium on the Critical and Creative Use of Technology

the protagonists of winterlab are the neurons, or to put it poetically, the butterflies of the soul.

Until 28 November 2020

From an interdisciplinary angle, the different theoretical and practical contents will endeavour to introduce us to some of the expectations and questions that surround neuroscience and artificial intelligence. At the present moment in time, these two disciplines are perhaps the most controversial fields of research worldwide.

The main focus of this year’s winterLAB is neurons, or to put it more poetically, the butterflies of the soul. The term was first used by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, who referred to them as one of nature’s most delicate cells. He even wondered whether the fluttering of their wings may one day reveal the secret of the life of the mind.[1]

Almost one century has passed since Cajal asked himself this question. Today, the revelation of this mystery has become one of the biggest challenges for the international science community. While some people try to decode the brain’s neuronal map from different fields of neuroscience, others are developing new artificial neuronal networks from mathematics and computation.

And it is precisely at the crossroads of the scientific advances focused on mapping our hardware (the brain) and artificial intelligence related with cognitive software (the mind), where the contents of this year’s winterLAB are located.

The programme has been organized in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Centre (AIC) and the Neuroscience Institute (INEUROPA) at the University of Oviedo.

The winterLAB activities are part of the European ARTificial Intelligence LAB, AILab, project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and the Government of the Principality of Asturias. (

The didactic programme and other initiatives related with interdisciplinary digital education carried out at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, are also included within the Creative Europe programme Studiotopia. Science meets Art in the Anthropocene, another project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and the Government of the Principality of Asturias. (

All the activities, including the exhibition, can be visited in-person at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Los Prados 121, Gijón). The exhibition, lectures, symposium and workshops can also be visited online, entering a 3D virtual environment through a Multiuser Platform, based on a videogames engine made with Unity and built for WebGL, which means that the audience can use their browser to join the exhibition without downloading apps.


Monday 23

16:00 – 17:00 Predictive Selfie with Data. The new challenges of interdisciplinary digital education

Thursday 26

16:30 – 20:30 Post-disciplinary co-creation with AIroboticsEEG and toothpicks. Art, Neuroscience and AI workshop led by Emanuel Gollob.

Friday 27

12:00h – 13:00h Neuroconnections workshop – led by Daniel Canogar

16:00h – 18:00h 5th AINDACE Foundation Seminars on Brain Damage: Research and Innovation

18:00 – 18:40 Roundtable (in-person and streaming, with simultaneous translation Spanish/English) Art, Neuroscience and Health

19:00 – 19:40 OPENING PRESENTATION: In-person and streaming / with simultaneous interpretation Spanish/English) Art, Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence: When the Butterflies of the Soul Flutter Their Wings

20:00 – 20:45 Lecture (in-person and streaming, with simultaneous translation Spanish/English)The Neurotechnological Revolution: Is it time for new human rights?

20:45 – 21:15 Roundtable (in-person and streaming, with simultaneous translation Spanish/English) Conversation on the ethical challenges related with neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

Saturday 28

17:00 to 17:45 Concert (live and streaming) ALMA

18:00 to 19:00 Roundtable (live and streaming) Art and Neuroscience: the nanometric microscales of neuronal conversation and symbolic extensions of the mind through cultural prosthesis.

19:15 to 20:00 Concert (live and streaming) Crumbling Palace

