Neuroconexions workshop – Daniel Canogar

The workshop aims to help us shed light on how the brain works.

27 November 2020

Canogar will impart a session to a group of adults, members of an association for people suffering from a neurological disorder. Later on LABoral education department will keep on imparting more sessions of the same activity.

To develop the workshop Daniel Canogar has joined forces with the Neuroscience department of the University of Oviedo in order to create a theoretical and practical workshop aimed to an open and curious public. The confluence between art and science generates an exploring dynamic amongst its participants.

Following some didactic presentations led by members of the University of Oviedo about the brain´s main cognitive functions, the artist will make some artistic models to materialize these functions in a physical and visual way. These models will try to wake up consciousness of the miracle that means the millions on connections amongst the different parts of the brain needed to get on in the world. The models will also establish a dialogue with some works displayed in the exhibition, amongst them Synaptic Passage, by the artist. By doing so the workshop aims to become an artistic and scientific travel into one of the most mysterious part of our organism: the human brain. Within the classification of the organs of the human body the brain rules over the rest. However, due to its great complexity, is without any doubt the most unknown of all. Neurobiology has made important progress in investigating the depths of this organ in the past few decades. The workshop Neuroconexions intends to help us to light up some general questions on the functioning of the brain.

Daniel Canogar BIO

Born in Madrid (1964) to a Spanish father and an American mother, Daniel Canogar´s life and career have bridged between Spain and the U.S. Photography was his earliest medium of choice, receiving an M.A. from NYU at the International Center of photography in 1990, but he soon became interested in the possibilities of the projected image and installation art.

He has created permanent public art installations with LED screens, he has also created public monumental artworks in different mediums such as Amalgama El Prado, a generative video-projection projected on the Museo Nacional del Prado façade and created with the Museum’s painting collection (Madrid, 2019); Constellations, the largest photo-mosaic in Europe created for two pedestrian bridges over the Manzanares River, in MRío Park (Madrid, 2010) and Asalto, a series of video-projections presented on various emblematic monuments, including the Arcos de Lapa (Rio de Janeiro, 2009), the Puerta de Alcalá (Madrid, 2009) and the church of San Pietro in Montorio (Rome, 2009). Also part of the series is Storming Times Square, screened on 47 of the LED billboards in Times Square (New York, NY, 2014).

He has exhibited in Reina Sofia Contemporary Art Museum, Madrid; Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio; Offenes Kulturhaus Center for Contemporary Art, Linz; Kunstsammlung Nordrhein Westfallen, Düsseldorf; Hamburger Bahnhof Museum, Berlin; Borusan Contemporary Museum, Istanbul;  American Museum of Natural History, New York; Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Mattress Factory Museum, Pittsburgh; Palacio Velázquez, Madrid; Max Estrella

Institute of Neurosciences

The Institute of Neurosciences (INEUROPA), whose president is Jorge L. Arias, is made up of researching units attached to the University of Oviedo. INEUROPA’s major aims are similar to the ones proposed by de European Network of Neurosciences Institutes (ENI), where the priority service is to offer its members the use of different laboratories and basic and clinic research infrastructures in the field of the neurosciences, as well as training in this field, through collaboration amongst the different groups that integrate the institute.

Likewise, it is also encouraged the constitution of small research groups, to do independent research work. Members of INEUROPA maintain scientific partnership with some researching institutes in the field of neuroscience both in Europe (France, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom) as well as in the USA (Texas and New York).

INEUROPA includes university teachers mostly from the University of Oviedo, but also from other universities from all over the country (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Granada, Sevilla, Tarragona, Almería, Málaga) with an extensive experience in neuroscientific fields, who practice in areas of neurological and psychiatric interest, as well as young researchers who begin their training. The Institute also encourages the diffusion of the investigations in neuroscience to society and the incorporation of new and young researchers in this field.
