
White Night 2017

29 September 2017

LABoral participates in this annual event with culture with the inauguration of the exhibition of the artist Jacobo Bugarín and the SummerLAB 2017 program

The White Night 2017 in Gijón/Xixón is an annual event that arises from the collaboration between the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Education and Popular University of Gijón/Xixón and the city’s art galleries, as a clear commitment in favor of the transformative role of culture and, in particular, contemporary artistic manifestations.

LABoral also participates in this activity with several proposals for the night of September 29:

At 7:30 p.m. The artist of Asturian descent Jacobo Bugarín presents Of art more than cold, an exhibition resulting from a two-month artistic residency at LABoral, in which he reflects on the change of model to which institutions are subjected given the fragmentation and expansion of the knowledge brought about by technological advances.

Also on Friday the 29th, SummerLAB 2017 begins, a place to exchange work experiences that promote the creative and critical use of technology and show new forms of creation and production. SummerLAB offers an open space for artists, industry professionals and the public that encourages exchange and interaction, creating a context aimed at expanding knowledge of the visual arts, sound creation, digital culture and emerging technologies.

9:30 – 13:00 – Gangpol & Mit – Audiovisual Jukebox Workshop

9:30 – 13:00 – Martin Backes – Introduction to SuperCollider Workshop (part 1)

13:00 – 14:00 – Geomancer Screening

15:00 – 16:00 – Presentation and debate: Virtual Reality (VR) Writers: The narrative architects of the future

16:30 – 19:00 – 3D scanning – Photogrammetry workshop

19:00 – 21:00 – DUST – VR Installation – Mária Júdová and Andrej Boleslavský (2017)

Saturday September 30

9:30 – 13:00 – Workshop- Visualize form and sound – 3D conceptualization – Florence To

13:00 – 14:00 – ENCAC round table (European Network for Contemporary Audiovisual Creation)

15:00 – 16:00 – Presentation and discussion See, Feel, Sound

16:30 – 19:00 Martin Backes – Introduction to SuperCollider Workshop (2nd part)

19:00 – 20:00 CYEMA – Live audiovisual performance – Florence To

In addition, numerous galleries and museums in the city will offer free activities for everyone who wants to participate: Adriana Suárez, ATM, Aurora Vigil–Escalera. Art gallery, Bea Villamarín, Cornión, Espacio Líquido, Gema Llamazares and LaSalita; to which are added the Ancient Institute Culture Center, the Museum of the Roman Baths of Campo Valdés and the Jovellanos Birthplace Museum and other institutions such as the Conseyu de la Mocedá de Xixón, Telefónica, the Barjola Museum and Laboral Ciudad de la Culture.

Full program[+]

Of art more than of coldis the winning project of the LABjoven_Los Bragales call, organized by LABoral and Coleccion Los Bragales, owned by the Cantabrian businessman Jaime Sordo.

SummerLAB 2017 is part of the ENCAC project (European Network for Contemporary Audiovisual Creation), a project funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union. With the collaboration of the Government of the Principality and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
