

An action open to the public by Fernando Vallesa

Until 20 March 2016

#fotolabshop is an invitation to market attendees to participate as photographers or models in a performative piece, open to all audiences.

Thus, using the unique infrastructure of this art container, a chemical and digital studio-laboratory will be set up in the lobby of LABoral to obtain black and white photographs. The images, portraits of the participants, will be produced in two formats, as a black and white chemical photograph and then as a digital file.

From here, three well-differentiated phases of dissemination begin; The first falls on the very act of taking the photo and assisting in the subsequent processing of the image, or posing for the snapshot, or contemplating the actions of the photographer and the model. In a second phase is the dissemination of the photos through digital media, tagging the photographs under the hashtag #fotolabshop, in such a way that it will be possible to access the production of those images obtained in the development of the action, or access the documentary footage of the piece, thus counting on all the people who, without being directly involved, want to show their experience.

Finally, a selection of the images obtained will be shown in an exhibition in the room of the “Cámara Club” space, in the city of Gijón at the beginning of April.

#fotolabshop is part of the artistic residency that Fernando Vallesa is doing at LABoral. Under the name, Estudio del Gesto, Vallesa investigates the directions of photography in the digital age.
