
IV Meeting with Nel Amaro

Program of activities organized within the framework of RASPA Asturian Network of Performance and Action by the Atenéu Nel Amaro

Until 17 May 2015

This project was born with an objective of continuity over time around the dissemination, exchange of experiences and development of performance and action art as a means of expanding our personal limits and communication with the society in which we live. The IV Meeting with Nel Amaro is part of the SCRATCH Asturian Network of Performance and Action, an initiative through which LABoral wishes to involve and lead the community of performance artists and managers in Asturias and, thus, collaborate in the development and promotion of the theory and practice of performance.

The basis of the project is the week-long residency in the small Asturian town of Columbiel.lo, located near Pola de Lena. During the residency, a group of artists from different geographical and vital backgrounds coexist with the idea of ​​sharing the process of creation and collective work. This edition is based on the proposal of the artist Denys Blacker in relation to the research of the Biologist Rupert Sheldrake (United Kingdom , 1942) and his theory of Morphic Fields.


  • The Collages of Nel Amaro. Exposureof part of the work of Nel Amaro from May 4 to 17 in the Celso Granda exhibition hall in Pola de Llena
  • Workshops:for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education on Collage in Visual Poetry and Performance. This activity is celebrated during the first fortnight of May. The Baccalaureate workshop will take place on May 6, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Homefrom May 4 to 11 at Columbiel.lo
    Artists/collectives in residence: Corpología (Girona), Atenéu Nel Amaro (Asturias), Raspa–Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción (Asturias), Nerea Rodriguez (Asturias), Anxel Nava (Asturias), Susana Villanueva (Asturias), Brian Patterson (Northern Ireland) , Elvira Santamaría (Mexico), Denys Blacker (England), Joan Casellas (Catalonia), Abel Loureda (Asturias), Yolanda Pérez Herreras (Madrid), Nieves Correa (Asturias).
  • Practical Presentationof the results of the residency in Paraiso (Oviedo). Thursday, May 7.
  • PresentationTheoretical/Practical results of the residency at LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation. Friday, May 8, at 7 p.m.
  • Caminada Magazine.Saturday, May 9, at 12 noon at the Pola de Llena market and surroundings.
  • Presentation public performances. Saturday, May 9 at 8 p.m., in Juvelena