Back through the heart

Asturian Art in Residence 2022

20 June 2023 – 18 November 2023

Four works by artists from the 2022 residency programme: Pablo Casanueva, Laura Fjäder, Sara García, Irene Trapote.

This exhibition presents the work of four artists from Asturias who have been part of LABoral’s residency programme during the year 2022.

Although an exhibition of this nature usually presents the diversity of themes that form part of a call, in this case, they all have something in common: their relationship with memory.

The etymology of the word ‘memory’ (lat re-cordis: to pass through the heart again) offer us a perspective from which to observe these four works. The artists have gone back through the heart to transform images, events or feelings from the past into the works they now share with us.

It seems no coincidence that in a society where speed, immediacy and brevity reign, a reflective look at the past and work from memory become an anchoring exercise that helps to build the present and the future.

Curated by: Patricia Villanueva Illanes

Artists: Pablo Casanueva, Laura Fjäder, Sara García, Irene Trapote

Graphic Design: Lorena Poncela


