
Book Club: The Weather Book by Greta Thunberg

16 March 2023

In this new edition of our Book Club we will present The Climate Book, a manual on climate change in which the young climate activist Greta Thunberg has brought together leading scientists, experts and writers to provide us with the most accurate information on the climate emergency. – Collaboration with I.E.S Roces

How the climate works, how it is changing our planet, how it affects us, what we have done about it and what we should do now are the questions that this book tries to answer.

On this occasion, the Book Club will not be open to the public, but 80 students from I.E.S Roces will join us to take part in the debate, visit the exhibition Barricadas en los hielos and participate in the workshop Arte y creatividad por el clima (Art and creativity for the climate). Sergio Fernández Sierra, member of the collective Teachers for future will coordinate the debate in which will also participate Sixto Armán (activist of Ecoloxistes n’Aición) and Lorena Mateo (activist in XR Asturias).

On the 16th you will be able to see a streaming of this debate. Soon we will organize another edition open to the public so that those of you who are interested can participate.

Activity promoted and financed by the Department of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
