Bodies, identities and territories

Until 29 March 2015

Bodies, identities and territories is a series of training workshops on performance, organised by Paraíso Local Creativoand is part of RASPA Red Asturiana de Performace y Acciónan initiative of LABoral to help artists and performance managers in Asturias participate and play a main role thus collaborating in the development and support of the theory and practice of performance.

Paraíso Local Creativo ( ) joins RASPA organising this activity on performance that opens the programme of activities designed for 2015. Based on their understanding of performance as a tool for social and political transformation, the collective detects the need to bring contemporary art closer to the community and build bridges between the different regional actors, as well as to generate accessible collective creative processes.


  • La jaula de Petra

Territories and action limits between art and life
Conducted by: Ánxel Nava.
Timetable: From Saturday, March 7 at 9 a.m. to Sunday, March 8 at 9 a.m. [24 hours]

  • Cuerpos, minorías y resistencias Análisis de la performance como arma de resistencia para cuerpos e identidades minoritarias.

Conducted by: María Rodríguez
Timetable: Sunday, March 15, from 11:30 h. to 14:30 h. and from 16 h. to 19 h.

  • Performance: Sesión psicográfica

A cargo de IagoAlvite y Pablo Gallo
Timetable: Saturday, March 21 at 21 h.
Entrance fee: 2 euros.

  • Acción, transdisciplinariedad, historia y autobiografía.

Creation of stage and performance devices from the dialectic of several materials.
Conducted by: Anto Rodríguez
Timetable: Sunday, March 29 from 11:30 h. to 14:30 h. and from 16 h. to 19 h.

All sessions will take place at Local Creativo c/ Paraíso Nº 10 (garage) 
Registration at

Price: 5 € one workshop

Ánxel Nava

Visual artist, poet and action author of mythical journeys with his action character “El Bardu Errante”. He has developed a didactic system of plastic art at Universidad Popular de Xixón and founded spaces such as Luzernario Taller de Arte Actual and EspaciuAstragal, which are art references in Asturias. Member of más de un Paraíso, his commitment with social art and local culture introduces a dialogue between bodies, objects and traditions in the territory. From his actions at Berlin’s Wall (1986) and Oviedo’s historic wall (2012), halfway between ritual performance and Land Art he develops a discourse of the locations and performance interventions in the town.


Dramatic Art graduate at ESADdeGijón, Master degree in Stage Arts at URJC, Madrid,Master degree in Stage Practice and Visual Culture at Arte-a andUAH. He is currently completing a PhD programme at UCLM with a thesis on “Contemporary stage autobiography: disident dramaturgies” and post-graduate internship (MINECO)of the project TeatralidadesDisidentes directed by JoséAntonioSánchez(Arte-a).

María Rodríguez Suárez

Graduate in Fine Arts, expert in “social applications of artistic cultura” and PhD researcher at the Gender and Diversity programme of Universidad de Oviedo. She has collaborated with artistic institutions such as Arteleku (San Sebastian), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA) or Centro Niemeyer (Avilés). She has also taken part as mediator in several programmes of Conseyu de la Mocedá del Principáud`Asturies, Juventud en Acción, Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer and projects conducted by several associations and Asturian collectives.
