1 September 2022 – 31 August 2023
Toc-Hadas is a collective that gives visibility to women’s specific mental health issues.
The mind, like matter, is not an individual property that one has. It is an immense collective construct coming from outside that everyone nourishes day by day. It is in the “we” that the meaning of the word “suffering” lies, and not in each mind.
From this conception of mental health, the Toc-Hadas collective develops its ethical and aesthetic research for the transformation of the current state of things, promoting creative processes in which the mania of “wanting to cure” is replaced by another: the mania of “seeking to understand”.
Project in residence
During this Citizen Laboratory Toc-hadas will produce the last fanzine of its trilogy “Páxaros na Tiesta”; a work that revises concepts such as sanity, wealth and justice.
This initiative is part of the Citizen Laboratories project set up by LABoral Centro de Arte. These laboratories are spaces that provide hospitality, infrastructure, human resources and tools to develop artistic projects for collectives and communities that instil values and hybridise knowledge in the city, linked to mental health, disability, human rights, youth and music.
Thanks to these artistic projects, working communities are created that make room for social inclusion and new models of learning and artistic production that improve life together.
Activity promoted and financed by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.