Born in Oviedo, 1985
Juan Falcón García (Oviedo, 1985) began his artistic training at the Oviedo School of Art, where he graduated as a Higher Technician in Engraving and Printmaking Techniques (2008). Work and experimentation have been, since then, a constant in his path towards a defined and personal language and expressiveness. Among his most recent training experiences, we can highlight his time at the Viña Lithography workshops and the grant for artistic production awarded to him by the Municipal Foundation for Culture, Education and Popular University of Gijón City Council (2020).
The advances and contributions of this young artist have been recognised at the national and regional level, through the XIV Certamen Fundación Unicaja de Artes Plásticas (2021), or through awards such as the one that the Valey, Centro Cultural de Castrillón, granted him within the framework of the production of exhibition projects (2017). Juan’s participation in various fairs and exhibitions, individual and collective, give a clear perspective of his interest in material, formal, conceptual and symbolic research as a whole in interaction. World-Image: Appropriations, Assemblages, Recombinations is the culmination of these developments.