We continue with a new session of shared readings around the exhibition Remote extinction detected, currently on view at LABoral.
As in the previous session, we will briefly present Following the Problem. Generating Kinship in Donna Haraway’s Chthulucene (consonni, 2020), one of the main works inspiring the exhibition. But on this occasion we would also like to focus on two other fundamental voices in contemporary philosophy of science. One is Bruno Latour who, in books such as Dónde aterrizar. Cómo orientarse en política (2019) analyses the irruption of environmental urgencies in the public sphere and how they redefine the positions of left and right, local and global. The other is Isabelle Stengers, author of, among many other works, In Times of Catastrophe. How to resist the coming barbarism (2017), a plea for imagining a common and desirable future.
As in the previous session, we encourage all participants to share readings related to the idea of “extinction” or in dialogue with the works exhibited. We are looking for a polyphony of voices with particular visions of the same theme but united by the main idea.
This session will be led by Maria Ptqk, curator of the exhibition Remote Extinction Detected.
This project is part of the programme of activities of STUDIOTOPIA – Art meets Science in the Anthropocene, an initiative that aims to increase collaborations between cultural and research institutions, academia, innovation centres, creatives and citizens. The network, funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, is made up of eight European cultural institutions: Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) and GLUON in Brussels, Ars Electronica in Linz, Cluj Cultural Centre in Cluj, Laznia Contemporary Art Centre in Gdansk, Onassis Stegi in Athens, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and LABoral Centro de Arte in Gijón.