Since December 2008, the LABshop meets three times a year, a large group of new artists, designers and independent publishers. The aim is to publicize the activities related to the design and creation taking place in our region.
LABshop is not only a showcase or market design is a scenario open to creativity that acts as a connection among all the participants to promote their unity and strengthen the encounter with the media, tastemakers and industry of the sector.
This idea is reflected in the brand, Hand Made With Love, which all participants can use in their products and that summarizes the philosophy of LABshop on three concepts:
Handmade with love is … original design
Handmade with love is … Self-production
Handmade with love … products which are made with love
A quality label to differentiate the designs presented in the LABshop and ensures that each product is an original piece, made by the creator, and that overflows love.
How to participate
To participate in the LABshop, it is requested to send an email with a dossier to
The selection criteria are very simple: creativity, originality and self-production.
- Adicta a los complementos
- Alicia Varela
- Alohatata
- Ana Soto
- Aventuras Literarias
- Barruntando
- Bellamoza
- Brigitte
- Cacatua Roulette (Carmen Saldaña & David Garcia Ferrero)
- Café y madera
- Campo
- Carla con C
- Costas Mongolas
- Danire moda
- Delaflower
- El taller de Memi
- Galletas con agua
- Hoja de Lata
- Jdön
- Joelle
- La Perera
- Lunatropical
- Malosa Lula
- Mara Rodríguez
- Marina Eiro
- Mi barquito de palet
- NGBags
- Obsesión por las mariquitas
- Omotesando bags
- Pablo Prados
- PAPP UV Spain
- Paula Game
- Raposa
- Rema y Vive
- Retales y agujas
- Rosseta pajaritas
- Satori
- Se rifa un pez
- SnowyBeanies
- Sr. Hat Dog
- Tadesky
- Tantanah
- To The Wild
- Una piedra en el camino
- val’lú
- versos y trazos
- Vintage del alma
- Yiddish Chutzpah