
LAB<20 Awards Gala

19 June 2018

Awards ceremony for the winners of the 2nd edition of LAB<20, a call that seeks to give visibility to projects by young people under 20 years of age who use technology creatively. Presented by Alberto Rodríguez and Ana Francisco.

LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation in collaboration with the Department of Education and Culture of the Principality of Asturias and the Banco Sabadell Foundation have the pleasure of inviting you to the LAB<20 Awards Gala that will take place at the Laboral Ciudad de Theater. Culture on June 19 at 7 p.m.

Presented by Alberto Rodríguez and Ana Francisco, with a performance by the group Los Tok-ones from the Sonidópolis Music School.

Confirm attendance by email: rrpp@laboralcentrodearte.org or by calling 985 18 55 84.
