
How do you see the Market?

27th to 28th july 2013

Collaborate with the LABoral Market.

This initiative aims to find out the public’s vision of the LABoral Market. Instead of a boring survey or a suggestion box, it is proposed to take photographs that we will later show in the next edition of the Market and on the LABoral website.

The objective is to gather all eyes and answer the question: how do you see the Market?

There are two ways to participate: Through social networks: Twitter: uploading the image under the hashtag #mercadilloLABFacebook: posting the image on the LABoral wall

Through email, to be able to participate in the exhibition: Images must be sent to info@laboralcentrodearte.org before November 4, indicating the name and surname of the author and putting “Photo market summer 2013” in the subject of the email electronic.