One year after starting the project Flone At LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation, a workshop is held on the different uses and applications of drone technology.
Flonevindicates the citizen use of airspace, highlighting the collective construction of unmanned aerial vehicles and technological empowerment through free hardware and software.
The workshop on the critical use of drone technology is made up of a brief introduction and two optional activities among which the participants will be divided: Critical cartographies: aerial photography with Flone or Flone update. Flone modification and extension workshop.
- Introduction: Why blow up a phone?
Ethical and technical introduction to the Flone project, where it comes from and its future possibilities. An overview of Flone and its possibilities as a citizen aerial platform is offered.
Taught by: Lot Amorós and Alexandre OliverDate and time:Saturday, November 15, from 12 to 1 p.m.
Place:LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation
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- Option 1. Critical Cartographies Workshop: aerial photography with Flone
Aerial photography makes the environmental and political tensions of the territory visible, which in turn allows us to analyze the Asturian landscape from perspective. During the workshop, some spaces will be selected for critical mapping to help understand their problems.
Addressed to:ecologists and environmental activists concerned about the degradation of the territory, interested in the use of aerial photography and new technologies for their research and defense.
Imparted by:Lot Amorós
Date and time:Saturday 15th from 1pm to 6pm, and Sunday 16th November, from 10am to 7pm.
Place:LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation and different areas of Gijón
Specific program:
Saturday, November 15, 1 p.m. Making maps with Public Lab tools16 h. Outing to photograph different areas of Gijón
Sunday, November 16, 10 a.m. Departure to photograph different areas of Gijón17 h. Collective creation of maps of the photographed territories
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- Option 2. Flone update workshop. Flone Modification and Extension Workshop
This workshop is proposed as a collaborative space in the development of Flone, in which as an open platform, the possibilities of modifying, altering and improving our Flone are only limited by our imagination.
The idea is to experiment with the Flone structure with gimbal systems for image stabilization and open to any contribution that may arise during the workshop for learning through practice.
During the workshop, the elements that make flight in multicopters possible will be worked on. On a practical level, the activity focuses on the operation of the gimbal systems for image stabilization and the flone frame will be modified to adapt this system.
Addressed to:people eager to learn about the operation of multicopters from a more technical point of view, from practice and with a participatory approach.Participants: 10
Imparted by:Alexandre Oliver
Date and time:Saturday 15th from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. and Sunday, November 16, from 12 to 2 p.m.
Place:LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation
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