
filMO Award 2014

Presentation of the works with which Julius Richard and Mercedes Menéndez won the 2014 filMO Awards

14 March 2015

Julius Richard and Mercedes Menéndez have been the winners of the filMO Jury and Audience awards respectively, in their 2014 edition.

filMO is a pocket film festival made with mobile devices, such as phones or cameras, conceived and promoted since its first edition by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Its purpose is to promote the creativity and critical spirit of young creators in a society built and understood from the centrality of the digital image.

In this session organized by LABoral, in collaboration with the Gijón International Film Festival and the Centro de Cultura Antiguo Instituto, Frygt ob Baeven, by Julius Richard, Jury Prize, and No storyboard film, by Mercedes Menéndez, Jury Prize, will be screened. Public. The session will close with Triptych of Supreme Love, by Julius Richard.

Jury Prize: Julius Richard

Philosopher, writer, critic and amateur video artist. He has published dozens of articles and an experimental novel called Sent Elements. He has a collection of poems (luzazul) and a compilation of philosophical-cinematographic essays (La requetemodernidad) in preparation. His filmography, developed since 2011, covers fifty pieces that make up a single film.

  • Frygt ob Baeven, 2014
    Duration: 6′

The city is disfigured and its rhythms become crystalline, like the sea. Just a few shots serve to assemble a universe of textures and lights where the city is reflected. The moon, the sun, the beach: common landscapes in some cities that, here, suddenly become unique. In the soundtrack, like an echo, the mystique of Val del Omar resonates.

Audience Award: Mercedes Menéndez

Photojournalist. She studies photography, film and audiovisual language at the Gijón Image Center and at the Popular University. With a scholarship in the photography and new technologies course at Cabueñes86, the Europe Art Art scholarship for young artists led her to spend a stay in Niort, France, in 1992. While she continued her training, starting in the 90s she worked, published and collaborated with different local and national media. She has participated in more than a hundred national and international exhibitions, individual and collective, the latest an audiovisual project titled Return to the Earth, the Orchard Revolution. She has won fifty awards.

  • No storyboard film, 2014
    Duration: 1’15”

Without a previous script, No storyboard film is the story of a week of cinema with the direct vision of the eye of a spectator who tours the Festival stages, immersing himself in film activities, with the aim of meeting directors and actors participating in the films that choose to see… This week reveals that it is part of a mass and a whole that moves to consume a well-seasoned dish, with the focus on the movie screen and with a large number of ingredients.

Screening of Triptych of Supreme Love, 2013 [Ortoño-Facies totius universi-InV/Fierno]

Director: Julius RichardDuration: 65′

Triptych of supreme loveIt is the story of an end that is two: the End of Love and the End of the World. Eschatological triptych with a visionary discipline: looking at what needs to be seen. It is an epiphany: in the present, the stuff of time. A cinema of visionaries and hallucinations. It is an elegy: of the past, the memory of time; a cinema of ghosts and specters. Ortoño, Facies totius universi (Sunday, March 16, 2008) and inV/Fierno are the three stages of a process of demolition, disintegration and, also, rebirth. We don’t know what cinema can be capable of, but this cinema can project us into the future.
