LABoral invites over designers to exhibit and sell their creations in the LABshop/e_LABshop Design Market.
Since December 2008, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has benn dedicated a new space to creativity intended to showcase work by designers.
In each edition the public will have an opportunity to see and purchase t-shirts, buttons, photographs, post cards, bags, belts, undergarments, items for home decor, jewellery, shoes and original dresses. All of them are original designs, artesanally produced and unique, created by young designers working in the Principality of Asturias. LABoral will put up publications and objects for sale in the LABshop/e_LABshop at a reduced price. Together with merchandising items, visitors will have the chance to purchase exclusive designs made specifically for sale in LABoral’s shop, such as catalogues of exhibitions held at the Centro de Arte and specialised magazines.
Time: Saturday and Sunday, from 12 to 10 pm
D’eTiKeTa HaNdMaDe
Alejandro Mazuelas
Maldita Mosquita
El taller de Noa
Pensamientos Dulces
Txus Fibla
Saca la Saca