Workshop: Fantastique Company

18th may 2019

On Museum Day, Fantastique Company offers a free workshop for boys and girls ages 6 to 12

Through its workshops, Fantastique Company offers boys and girls the possibility of approaching the world of theater in an immersive way. As in its functions, the scenography takes an active role in the narration through the projected image and videomapping.

On the occasion of Museum Day, they propose a magical world full of possibilities with animated illustrations or shadow games, in which boys and girls can create and be the protagonists of their own story.

These activities enhance their creative and expressive capacities, while introducing them to new technologies linked to the performing arts.

Aimed at: boys and girls from 6 to 12 years oldNumber of participants: 12Duration: 90 minTaught by: Fantastique CompanyInformation and registration: free workshop upon registration at

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
