Urban Camp We play, we create 5! We make a music video

2nd to 27th july 2012

The LABoral urban camp is aimed at children between 3 and 10 years old, with whom different activities will be developed within the framework of the eCLIPse exhibition. Throughout the two fortnights into which it is divided, the participants will make two video clips with the help of Carlos Navarro, one of the curators of the exhibition that from July 3 will be exhibited in the rooms of the Center for Art and Industrial Creation .

The video clip, understood as an artistic discipline, offers multiple creative possibilities that children will explore from the areas of sound, moving image, narrative, scenography and choreography. They will be the actors and producers and will design the costumes, sets, makeup and do the choreography.

The final result of the camp will be shared with family members at a party that will take place on Friday, July 27, with an inaugural premiere of the video clips made.

There will be one outing per fortnight: to the Atlantic Botanical Garden and to the Pueblú d’Asturies Museum.

The camp has a dining room service in a space set up for exclusive use by participants. The menu will be carefully designed and delivered to parents before the start of camp.

Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Aimed at: boys and girls between 3 and 10 years old

Registration: mediacion@laboralcentrodearte.org

Price: €370 for the full month, €210 for a fortnight. Food and transportation from Gijón are included.

Coordinator: El Bibio Nursery School