Unsettling the Fragments

Martha Rosler

1 May 2007

Photomontage. Courtesy: Galerie Christian Nagel, Colonia/Berlin.

Faced with the amnesia that today’s societies impose on their traumatic past, Rosler decided in his intervention for the Sculpture Projects in Münster (2007) to summon up the ghosts of the city’s past and, by extension, of German history. To this end, she resituated some historical remains in their former locations as a call to the knowledge of those traumatic histories that have preferred to be forgotten. For example, the artist restored the reproduction of a Nazi eagle kept in the city’s history museum to its original place. By relocating the fragments, she enables us to read the space and, therefore, its memory. The missing fragments throughout the central geography of Münster constitute essential passages that we must get to know.
