Universo vídeo_ Experimental Practices

15th march – 2nd june 2013

15 March 2013 – 02 June 2013

An Image of the World in Motion

With the goal of rethinking the centrality of images in the contemporary world, Universo vídeo explores how they are currently produced and distributed. Video is a process capable of recording reality while simultaneously reshaping the way we grasp our environment: our very way of seeing.

Over its relatively short history so far, video has developed a specific language of its own based on its ability to simultaneously produce and re-produce images. And nevertheless, the grammar of this language is constantly changing, at times engaging with film, or with photography, television or even performance, for which it was used to record various actions. Besides acting as an index of the real, the video is able to expand the idea of time, articulating a flow of images that are consumed live, at the service of communication in our global village.

The selection of films from the Le Fresnoy collection wishes to compose a panoramic portrait, like an overall ground plan. The ultimate goal of the exhibition is to represent the world in motion from a contingent, exacting angle and to provide a structure and meaning to a confusing constant state of change, embodied in each of these works. Each one is perfectly autonomous with regards the others, given that the themes they address are scarcely repeated, and could on the contrary be said to represent contrasting narrative forms. However, taken together they articulate a common space that the spectator must compose in his mind.

In this way, the particular is defended as that which is able to produce a specific event, yet always within an overarching system. Thanks to the relationship between some films and others, a whole series of latent associations are earmarked: a flash of meaning that ultimately lights up a constellation in motion, where each work transmits a certain energy to the others, a kind of drive that transforms the overall meaning of the whole circuit.

Curated by: Alfredo Aracil

Artists: Clément Cogitore, Clorinde Durand, Tatiana Fuentes Sadowski, Laura Huertas Millán, Vimukthi Jayasundara, Anna Marziano, João Pedro Rodrigues, Mitsuaki Saito

In collaboration with:

Le Fresnoy Studio National des Arts Contemporains

Gobierno del Principado