Come and join us to make a collage to take care of our oceans!
Inspired by the work “Cuevas Marinas y Terrazo Bentónico” by the artists Hypercomf, we will read El mar que más quiero, by Laia Berloso, make a collage and talk about the oceans and the problems facing marine ecosystems in the present and in the future.
An enormous amount of plastic ends up in the oceans and seas, where it breaks into smaller pieces. Microplastics affect marine species and thus contribute to climate change.
Laia Berloso tells us in her book El mar que más quiero, that one day Biel, the main character, discovers that the sea is full of plastics and waste. Something similar happened to the artists of the work Terrazo Bentónico while strolling along the beach one day. So, before starting the workshop, let’s take a look at this interesting piece that is part of the exhibition Engines of Climate.
We invite you to explore the fantastic world of the oceans and sea caves, unique refuges full of biodiversity, with the aim of better understanding the consequences of human activity on the marine environment and to motivate the design of solutions to mitigate some of these consequences.
In the workshop we will make a collage, working creatively with paper, plastic, stickers, crayons, buttons and anything else we can think of. As in the book, this collage makes us reflect on concepts such as environmental care, ecology, empathy and our own planet.
Activity aimed at children aged 6 to 9 years old. Each participant must be accompanied by an adult.
Taught by the philologist Mar Martín.
Number of places: 10
Duration: 90 minutes
General: 10 €.
- The following discounts will be offered:
- 20% discount when registering for 2 or more members of the same family unit (from the second member registered).
- 2 euros discount for members of the Club Cultura Asturias.
- 75% discount for unemployed families.
Discounts cannot be accumulated. In all cases it is necessary to present a document of accreditation.
Registration through this form [+] The place will be reserved when payment is made.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: or 985 18 55 77
Activity promoted and financed by the Viceconsejería de Cultura, Política Llingüística y Deporte.