TVLAB. Experimental television laboratory

10th to 21th march 2014

AuLAB proposes new learning spaces through research projects, promoting a change in the organisational and curricular model. In the case of LABoral, it proposes a knowledge of technological language for a transversal use of ICTs while encouraging experimentation and critical thinking.

Television experimentation allows us to understand the multiple realities shown in the media and, at the same time, to express ideas with creativity and freedom. From this approach, the TV-LAB project, which has been running since October 2009, consists of a communication platform and an experimental television set based on a didactic programme.

Aimed at: students in the 2nd cycle of primary and secondary education accompanied by their teachers.

Activity subsidised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
