Trendelenburg Festival 2014

Until 12 September 2014

Trendelenburg is an international platform for digital culture in public spaces. A space for collaboration, exchange of knowledge, own creation and exhibition of artistic projects around the creative potential of new digital proposals. On an annual basis, international artists related to digital culture meet to present advanced live performances, technological platforms for use by the artistic community, round tables, workshops and products related to artistic creation. All of this aimed at the dissemination of technology as a creation tool, aimed at all audiences and completely free.

Programming and schedules:
18:00 to 18:30—> Presentation of own projects 18:30 to 19:00—> “Hexangular Electronique Ensemble” Audiovisual orchestra apps 19:00 to 19:30—> “No Electricity For Electronics” Live audiovisual for mobile phones without electricity19:30 to 21:30—>Espicha/Meeting with artists. Open to the public21:30 to 22:30—> SWEATSHOPPE (Bruno Levy + Blake Shaw) Videopainting

  • Orchestra residency and concert for mobile devices

Mobile phones and tablets, as well as their own physical characteristics as an intuitive user interface, are giving rise to a new visual-tactile environment whose use has become part of our daily lives.

Applications for multitrack recording, editing and mixing, those that simulate electronic instruments such as synthesizers or drum machines, effects and even acoustic instruments, generative music applications, etc. They had already existed in the home PC environment for a couple of decades. But in many cases they were still very expensive and were limited to certain users with advanced knowledge and computers with special processing capacity.

The new and increasingly abundant music applications for these devices, such as phones and tablets, are free or very cheap, extremely accessible on the Internet and very easy to use. They are programmed to serve both the pure play or creative pleasure of anyone and the sophisticated use of those people more dedicated to musical creation. This is constantly creating possibilities for instant sound and musical creation that are as open and accessible as they are versatile, and tools that are as powerful as they are intuitive and within reach.

The musicians Elias Merino and Juanma Lodo directed by Abel Hernández will investigate together in a workshop the possibilities of interaction and sound and musical creation of this entire environment. They will form an ensemble for the occasion with which they will shape some new musical pieces only armed with this type of “pocket devices”. The evolution of the group can be observed day by day in the workshop open to the public.

This experience will be formalized with the curatorial collaboration of Creative Applications in the selection of mobile applications that will be used by the artists, the definition of an immersive sound space by the Sound LABoratory of the Center for Art and Industrial Creation, the figure of the director of Abel Hernández orchestra -Migala, Emak Bakia, El Hijo- and the creation of its own scenery.

The result of these five days of work with mobile devices will be shown in a live event that will take place during the international meeting Trendelenburg 2014, already considered an essential event within the latest audiovisual trends, in a final concert on September 12.

Workshop schedule:11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Concert schedule:6:00 p.m.
Place:Project Room

  • Presentation of No Electricity For Electronics

No Electricity For Electronics is a free-to-download open-source tool that will allow you to develop multimedia projects (audiovisual shows, installations, cultural routes) in any space without the need for electrical connections through a local streaming network. The public connects from their smartphone or tablet to that WIFI and can immediately enjoy the experience through their headphones and the screen in real time. All without any external power supply. An electronic unplugged, in short, without production, logistics, or noise problems.

Presentation date:September 12
Schedule:7:30 p.m.
Place:Nave Courtyard

  • Espicha/Meeting with artists

Within the framework of the Festival, a snack is offered for the public and the artists after the last presentation. During the same, Bruno Levy+Blake Shaw with their projections will intervene in a car located in the courtyard of the LABoral Art Center Nave.

Date:September 12
Schedule:9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Place:Nave Courtyard.

Complete program of the Trendelenburg Festival 2014[+]
