Training scholarships for artists

1st january – 31th december 2016

Training scholarships aimed at artists belonging to the Asturian Artists Archive and creators who develop production residencies at LABoral

LABoral offers a line of support for training with the granting of scholarships aimed at artists belonging to theArchive of Asturian Artistsand those artists who develop production residencies at the Center for Art and Industrial Creation. This initiative seeks to provide the local community and other creators with the necessary knowledge to take advantage of LABoral’s resources, contributing to the growth of their projects and professional careers.

Each course or workshop will have a scholarship that will subsidize 100% of the cost of the training. The artist must present a motivation letter that clearly and concisely states his/her interest, as well as the contribution that this training could make to his/her professional development in general terms and, in particular, in specific projects or works in which is immersed.

In order to make an equitable distribution and offer this training to the greatest possible number of interested parties, it is established as a rule that the same individual will not be able to access more than three annual scholarships. Unexcused non-attendance at the course will exclude the artist from participating in future training grants.

To participate in this call you must send an email, indicating name and surname, the workshop in which you wish to participate and the motivation letter mentioned above.

LABoral will respond to the request by this same means and within a reasonable period of time so that, if the answer is affirmative, registration can be formalized with the necessary notice.

Likewise, LABoral will issue a certificate of participation in the aforementioned workshop.