
Three Shooting Exercises: create / produce / edit

24 November 2018

Round table on the publishing of artists’ books

Round table about the process of conception, development and editing of hybrid projects between the artistic object, the artist’s book and the edition. Through the experience of professionals in different projects, we want to address aspects such as how to adapt an artist’s work to different media, how the editor faces the particularities of each project, or the role of collections in dissemination and inclusion of these “objects” in their funds.

They intervene:

Noemi Mendez
NOCA at Nocapaper Books & More, S.L. (NOCA stands for Not Only Contemporary Art), an international cultural and publishing projects company covering various fields; from the publishing of books and works, to collection advice, assistance to artists or curating projects.

Patxi Eguiluz and Carlos Copertone
CANICHE is a curatorial platform specialized in contemporary artistic proposals. Founded in 2015, it was created to give visibility to proposals that would not otherwise be accessible to the public and they have also published a large number of publications and artist books.

Alfredo Puente
The Cerezales Antonino y Cinia Foundation, located in the rural area of ​​Cerezales del Condado, has three main lines of action and research: contemporary art, sound and ethno-education. The Wind is Already Written, by Jorge Pascual, is a project of poetic creation in nature, developed over more than a year, which puts writing and voice into action to transmit the author’s experience of the world.

Miriam Isasi, Alexandra García and Cristina Ojea
Three Shooting Drillsis a project that is based on the work developed by Miriam Isasi, to explore new ways of formalizing her work. The result is a box that contains information and cartographic material intervened by the artist and a program of parallel activities.

Free admission
