The dream of flying. Workshop on the critical use of technology for girls and boys

15th to 16th november 2014

Throughout the history of humanity, many women and men have shared the dream of flying, taking that dream as a starting point, this workshop wants to build and imagine the aerial future.

Based on a historical review, in which the biographies of aviator grandmothers will be highlighted, an introduction to the world of flying devices is proposed, building a small quadcopter and reflecting together on technology as a social tool and human activity.

The objective of this workshop is to take another step in technological empowerment, expanding knowledge and skills in an inclusive and cooperative learning and creation space for girls and boys, paying special attention to the technological experience of girls.

It is ultimately about connecting flight stories, sharing knowledge and putting it into value to think, create, tinker and above all, fly.

All this (and something more) around the following activities that will take place throughout the two sessions of the workshop:

– Collective mural: imagining a future with flying objects

– The dream of flying in the history of humanity. rocket backpacks, balloons, kites, airplanes, ornithopters and other things that fly

– We designed our first flying device. Introduction to the theory of flight

– The Flone, a small quadcopter. Introduction to multicopters

– The construction of a message to the world. A drone for social action.

– Collective design. DIWO Drones (Do It With Others)

– Assembly of a quadcopter

– Flight practices

Aimed at: girls and boys between 8 and 12 years old. Maximum 15 places.

Taught by: Irene Maciá and Cristina NavarroMore 985 185 577

Free registration
To register,
click here

Rest of the activities linked to the exhibition A scream comes through the sky

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principalit

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Consejería Cultura y Turismo