
3rd to 7th december 2007

“Streaming” is the transmission via Internet of real time audio and/or video. This technology enables anyone who wishes to transmit his/her own A/V content and offers a real alternative to A/V TV programmes. If you have something to say, there is no excuse not to be heard.

The workshop deals with basic technologies and techniques for streaming with free software. No license is required and a simple household computer is all that is necessary.


Yves Degoyon
Musician, cartographer and PD expert. Author of video objects PiDiP for PD, including streaming. Founding member of GISS and forerunner in the use of free software in streaming.

Valentina Messeri
After studying philosophy Messeri discovered free software and took an active part in the gnu-linux movement. Since 2003, she has focussed on the alphabetization of free computing, research and promotion of multimedia free tools and the production and documentation of video (video-maker and video streamer). She has participated in and a series of initiatives related with free media.

Time: from 4 to 9 pm