Stop Motion Workshop – Secondary Education

19th september 2016 – 23th june 2017

The activity consists of a guided visit to the exhibitions combined with a workshop that consists of making a stop motion, using photographs taken by the participants, distributed in working teams of 5 people, and free software.


  • To observe, perceive, understand and critically interpret images of the natural and cultural environment, being sensitive to their plastic, aesthetic and functional qualities.
  • To express oneself creatively, using the tools of plastic and visual language and to know how to relate them to other fields of knowledge.
  • Use plastic language to represent emotions and feelings, experiences and ideas, contributing to communication, critical reflection and respect between people.
  • To use different plastic and visual techniques and information and communication technologies to apply them in their own creations.
  • Relate with other people participating in group activities with flexibility and responsibility, favouring dialogue, collaboration and communication.