
Sutcliffe Play Ltd

29 May 2008

Large scale, modular play elements

Acknowledgements: Hattie Coppard, Tim Coppard @ Snug & Outdoor, designers of Snug

Snug is a radical new approach to play equipment which changes the psychology of the playground. It consists of a family of large scale, modular play elements that children can use separately or together in any combination, creating a dynamic, exciting playscape where they can have fun, explore and learn. Teachers can also use Snug as a creative learning resource across the curriculum. Requiring no installation, the Snug elements are soft, tactile, yet durable and waterproof. Snug encourages social interaction and cooperation; transforms the school playground; inspires children’s creativity; provides a learning resource for teachers; stimulates natural exercise; is ideal for children with special needs; and assists teaching outside the classroom.