SkyPointer. Workshop to make a laser pointer for amateur astronomy

Until 9 April 2016

This workshop is part of the Raw Materials activities program of EDASN, the European Digital Art and Science Network. In line with the philosophy of culture and open creation of fabLAB Asturias, the development of an open tool for the practice of amateur astronomy that can be built in a Fab Lab is proposed.

The SkyPointer is a laser pointer that, controlled from a computer with Stellarium, points out any astronomical object in the sky using a laser beam. This results in a small, light tool that allows us to make observations quickly and with minimal assembly.

The pointer performs the object coordinate calculations, and obtains the necessary rotations for each motor. It also calculates errors due to mechanical errors and tolerances that allow obtaining adequate precision for observation.

During the workshop, one (or several) SkyPointers will be manufactured and assembled and there will be an introduction to the open design processes and applications, both modeling and electronics and software, that were used to develop the project.

Taught by: Juan Menéndez and David Vázquez

Dates: April 8 and 9 Hours: Friday, from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Duration: 8 hours

Registration: free

Participants: 10

This activity is part of the Raw Materials activity program
