Serie negra

Nicolás Combarro

Until 9 February 2011

Colour photograph; HD video

Production: Valey Centro Cultural de Castrillón

Acknowledgements: Diego Suárez, Luis Moral, Pablo Iglesias, Irma Álvarez-Laviada, José Luis Santalla, Miguel Ángel Delgado, Juan Luis Gutiérrez González

The project came about from a commission to create a work from the concept of “traces and signs” in Asturias. The initial phase consists of observation, research and documentation of the region’s industrial landscape, with a special focus on the area of Castrillón. Afterwards, a number of interventions are planned and carried out in different places and constructions with a view to opening an active dialogue between them and the environment by means of materials with an “industrial history” that could, in turn, connect us with the time and the circumstances of the place and of the materials themselves. The interventions were recorded in photographic format. Finally, a series of passages through places endowed with a special meaning for their industrial past were filmed, with the aim of activating them through the gaze.