Schengen Information System, Version 1.0.3

Vladan Joler

22 November 2008


The SIS (Schengen Information System) was put into force in 1995 as the first supranational system for investigating and tracking people and objects. The Schengen Information System computer game follows the tradition of using the realm of computer games for the training and educational needs of military and ideological structures and questions their moral character, their purposes, as well as their political acceptability. 
The player is an activist trained to break inside the Schengen Information Systems’s building in Strasbourg. His mission is to intrude into the main operational part of the building-the archive, where the data base is settled-and to destroy it in real time and “real place”. 
The visual and conceptual environment of the game has been created with the use of publicly accessible technology and information and is based on the game engine of the Unreal.
