Robotix. Design of video games

1st october 2016 – 20th may 2017

In this course students learn to design and create their own animations, video games, graphic adventures, etc. working with tools like Scratch. Then they can share it with their friends challenge them to finish on level of the game. They love this activity that consists of creating a video game or animation where everything works properly: avatar lives count, camera movements, jumps….the ultimate challee for their minds.

Addressed to: children 8-16
Registration: 40 euros/month

Duration: October 2015 to May 2016
Dates: Saturdays October 1 and 22; November 5 and 26; December 10 and 17; January 14 and 28; February 11 and 25; March 4 and 18; April 8 and 22; May 6 and 20

Times: From4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Click here to register

In partnership with: 

This activity is funded by the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
