Robotics for kids

5th to 23th july 2010

Robotics for kids

This workshop is an activity for kids between 8 and 12 years which allows them the development of creative capacities, skills in design, technological fluency, as well as working on dynamics that promote teamwork and problems resolution .
The robotics turns into a “excuse” to bring kids over to scientific and technological contents, inside a physical context associated with the events of LABoral Centro de Arte y creción Industrial.

The workshop is based on LEGO WeDo allowingthe modelling and construction, with simple sensors and an engine that connects to the computer, forming behaviors with a tool of programming very simple and easy to use. The system LEGO WeDo it provides an easy and enterteining way of learning robotics.

The workshop allows, by means of a simple tool, to programme behaviors of a robot. In addition there will be a wide range of complementary activities across different topics, allowing to develop scientific and technological knowledge, engineering, mathematics, language and literature, as well a responsible use of technology.

Every edition of the workshop has a duration of 20 hours, in groups of 10 kids, 4 hours every day.

Time: from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 14 h.

Registration: free of charge at