Reading Club – Art and Artificial Intelligence

July 12th, 2022

Presentation of the book Art and Artificial Intelligence – Etopia and LABoral at the European artificial intelligence laboratory.

We started the Reading Club, an online activity conceived as a meeting space for people interested in the relationship between interdisciplinary creation and contemporary critical theory in its multiple manifestations.

In each Reading Club session, a recently published book will be presented whose proposals we consider instigating. It will be held bimonthly and will be held via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Each session will feature 3 participants who will give a 20-minute presentation followed by an open-ended discussion.

On this occasion we will present Art and Artificial Intelligence – Etopia and LABoral in the European artificial intelligence laboratory, by Blanca Pérez Ferrer, Karin Ohlenschläger, Waelder, editors and authors.

The activity will be carried out via Zoom.

Inscription: Send an e-mail with the request to before Tuesday the 12th at 1:00 p.m. We will send you the link for the connection.

Data sheet

You can consult the publication at the following link:Art and Artificial Intelligence

Subjects:Artistic installations

Editorial:La Laboral Foundation. Center for Art and Industrial Creation

Binding:Soft cover

Country of publication:Spain

Publication language:Castilian

Original language:Castilian



Dimensions:240 x 210mm.

Weight:1000 grams

No. pages:258

Publication date :12-27-2021

Activity promoted and financed by the Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism

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