
RASPA Meeting: Paolo Angelosanto and Marta Medina

Presentations of artistic projects at the RASPA meeting Asturian Network of Performance and Action

17 October 2015

Italian artist Paolo Angelosanto and Asturian artist Marta Medina present two of their projects to RASPA Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción, an initiative through which LABoral wishes to involve and involve the community of performance artists and managers in Asturias and, in this way, collaborate in the development and promotion of the theory and practice of performance.

· Indagine eco-performativa, Paolo Angelosanto

The Italian artist shows the results of his artistic residency “Indagine eco-performativa” at PACA_ Proyectos Artisticos Casa Antonino (Gijón), a project in collaboration with Disambigua Art Space (Viterbo).

Indagine eco-performativa by Paolo Angelosanto wants to be an intimate reflection of the artist on the environment he passes through, in complete freedom. This environment is understood as an (un)polluted nature, a place where to read and investigate the micro-movements of nature always in connection with the artist’s movement and journey during the period of residence, questioning at the same time, the possible paths or roles of the contemporary artist within contemporary society.

The restitution of the experience to the public (through performative actions, encounters with the artist, audiovisual recordings and the publication of a catalogue as final documentation of the process) will allow the spectator to enter into the poetic and intimate dimension of the artist, and thus consider the real margins of effective autonomy in which he or she moves. An ideogram will serve as a support and visual key to help in the reconstruction of the artistic experience.

Residency sponsored by the Consejería de Educación Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias.

· Mov. Ámate Ur.0x, Marta Medina Álvarez

Development of a phase of the production process of the performance and interactive installation Mov. Ámate Ur.0x developed by Marta Medina during her artistic residency at LABoral Centro de Arte.

Marta Medina’s action aims to generate a meeting with the rest of the collectives and participants in RASPA to develop an experiential experience of the piece Mov. Ámate Ur.0x. Each of the participants, as performers, will explore possibilities and actions through the language of performance, that is, through the accidental, the unexpected, the conjunctural and experiential, where the creator will interact different scenic elements with the performers (lights, projections, video captures in real time and recorded, sounds, sound spaces, etc.), being in this case the external eye that guides the actions, thus generating a different dialogue where other types of languages are used.

The whole encounter and creative process will be documented through the recording of a video in which the performative experience will be collected as a practical tool for the evolution of the project beyond the planned action.
