Rara de raro

Marta Botas & Germán R. Blanco

2 October 2006


Rara de Raro is a joint project between the designer Marta Botas and the enologist Germán R. Blanco. This venture is the result of several collaborations in different projects and a friendship lasting many years, but above all this project came about thanks to the enthusiasm for working together in noncommissioned projects. 
The first version of Rara de Raro was called R. Osadía. A wine emerging from the memory which insolently cries out to remind us about the past, which asserts that our ancestors already produced wines, and attempts to recover the tastes of those wines which are not so old and that were drunk in Spain before elegant wineglasses and fastidious formalities were introduced; when wine was drunk for pure pleasure in ordinary Duralex glasses.Rara de Raro # 2, El año del desastre, dates from 2007 as a result of a late year which devastated most of the vineyards at the Ribera del Duero. This wine is the outcome of frozen grapes taken from hundredyear- old stocks which any enologist would have rejected, becoming from its conception a different 
work, created with not very noble materials according to the quality standards of today, but which, once concluded, becomes as a whole an incredibly special, unique and perhaps unrepeatable product.