Project Office

20th may 2014 – 31th december 2016

Permanently open call for the reception of artistic residency proposals for Asturian artists or artists residing in Asturias

LABoral has a stable schedule of activities but also wants to be open to opportunities for collaboration in projects that arise in its closest environment. Furthermore, it is the interest of the art center to contribute to the consolidation and growth of the Asturian artistic sector.

To this end, it offers an open call for the permanent reception of proposals for artistic residencies for research and/or production by Asturian artists or artists residing in Asturias.


LABoral will provide spatial, technical and human resources for each project, depending on availability. In return, the artist or collective agrees to carry out an activity around the topic of their research or production during their residency or up to two months following it. In addition, LABoral must be mentioned in all project communications as a collaborator.

Presentation and selection of proposals

Artists and/or groups from Asturias or residents in Asturias will send their proposals through the form below and a LABoral team made up of those responsible for the departments to which the project is directed, in addition to the production center, will evaluate them. according to the following criteria:

– Relationship of the proposal presented with the context of art, science, technology and society typical of the LABoral production framework.

– Artistic and cultural interest of the project.

– The feasibility of carrying out the project.

– The technical feasibility of the proposal in terms of its execution.

– The return activity proposed by the artist.

– Degree of use of the resources offered by theLABoral laboratories(fablab, audiovisual editing, sound production studio, etc.).

The proposals to be carried out each month will be selected the first week of the previous month and will be communicated to interested parties and through the website.

LABoral reserves the right not to host any project in the months in which the programming planned by the center does not allow it.

Project submission form[+]