
Presentation of results of the art and its sound project

11th june 2012

Art and its sound is a LABoral project, coordinated by José Manuel Costa in collaboration with Juanjo Palacios. within the framework of the exhibition Visualize the sound, curated by Fiumfoto.

Heart and its soundIt aims to capture the sound of an art center. And the fact is that centers and museums, compared to almost any other space, everyday or exotic, are characterized by their silence. They neither accept nor generate sounds. But they are spaces, not only with their floors, ceilings and walls, but with their sound configuration, their echoes, reverberations, ignored, almost hidden micro-sounds…

This would be enough for a few minutes of document or composition motif, but there may be more. There may be when what the center contains is an exhibition in which sound is the protagonist, of objects that sound, of sounds that sculpt the space.

Coinciding with the exhibition Visualize the sound, curated by Fiumfoto, this project presents the sounds generated by the artistic projects that make up the exhibition, the sounds of the space during its development, the oral testimony of the curators, artists and public, and the sounds of LABoral’s own space.

The results of this creative documentation of the exhibition are available on the LABoral website for listening and downloading under a Creative Commons License.

Collaborators: Oscar de Avila;Rafael Martínez del Pozo;Ramon Prada;The CasiCasiotone and Mind Revolution.