Presentation: Art and Educational Innovation in the Digital Age

28th february 2018

What do contemporary artistic practices contribute to educational innovation processes? What role does art centers and digital and citizen culture laboratories play in the new teaching scenarios? What have been the experiences of introducing non-formal learning methodologies into the school curriculum? What does maker, open source or citizen science culture contribute to the public education system?

This conference wishes to share the educational pilot experiences carried out by an interdisciplinary team of artists, technicians and educators from LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, in close collaboration with the Department of Education and Culture of the Principality of Asturias, as well as with schools and institutes of the entire region, over the last few years. Under the common name of AuLAB, workshops of different formats have been developed, aimed equally at the training of teachers and students, related to the audiovisual world of television, digital design and manufacturing, creative programming, robotics. , virtual and augmented reality or citizen science.

The uniqueness of these workshops consists of the integration of the curricular program, in a practical and interdisciplinary way. Its objectives are distinguished from traditional artistic or technological subjects in that the skills and methodologies of both do not constitute an end, but only a means through which other experiences and knowledge are transmitted.

The common denominator of these workshops is project work and the transversal and creative integration of different areas of knowledge in the learning process. These experiences are carried out with critical and creative methodologies derived, on the one hand, from artistic practices and, on the other, from technological culture. The latter, related to the collaborative dynamics of open source and the premise of learning by doing.

In addition to the AuLAB experience, for three years LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has undertaken, on an experimental basis, another educational initiative that is also presented on this day: a group of private collectors who, under the motto ofExpanded Patronage,sponsor a residency scholarship for artists and creators who develop digital educational tools, compatible with the curricular structure of the current educational system. The recipient of the first call was the interdisciplinary groupArsgames. Luca Carrubba, member of the collective, presents theAugmented Education Laboratory(LEA), a project that aims to establish work and co-design methodologies with virtual and augmented reality devices in schools and institutes.

All in all, the educational experiences carried out by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, in collaboration with the schools and institutes of Asturias, try to open new communicating vessels between art, education and digital transformation in a comprehensive and collaborative way. We trust that the practices proposed here contribute to the debate, research and development of an educational system in the midst of a process of change in the face of the challenges and opportunities that the digital society offers us.

The bilingual publication “Art and Educational Innovation in the Digital Era” has been produced thanks to the collaboration of the Banco Santander Foundation.

Regarding the Expanded Patronage scholarship, coordinated by Alicia Ventura, the support received by the ACB Collection, Julián Castilla, Tanalot 98 SL and Mariano Yera is appreciated.

Publication design: Ricardo Villoria

Date: Wednesday, 02/28/2018 at 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Place: Medialab Prado. Madrid

They intervene:Karin Ohlenschläger, Artistic Director of LABoral and Luca Carrubba, President of Arsgames Spain.


7:00 p.m. Presentation of the AuLAB program and the results of the Expanded Patronage scholarship

Speaker: Karin Ohlenschläger

7:30 p.m. Presentation of the Augmented Education Laboratory (LEA)

Pedagogical practices through the use of virtual and augmented reality technology for the context of formal education

Speaker: Luca Carrubba

8:30 p.m. Debate

Logo Gobierno del Principado.Educacion, cultura y deporteLABoral cuadradoFundación Banco Santander