Photo contest pixMO

1st october – 15th november 2010

Open call for a photo competition as part of the Gijón Photographic Encounters project.

Deadline for submission: from October 1 to November 15, 2010.
Registration: only registrations made using the form available on LABoral’s website and on the website of Encuentros Fotográficos de Gijón, will be accepted.

All additional information must be provided in web format.

The images and the registration form must be sent by e-mail to:

Prizes: three prizes will be awarded to the winning entrants, consisting of an iPhone 4G for the first prize-winner, an iPhone 3Gs for the second prize-winner and an iPod Touch for the third prize-winner.
The three winning photographs will be exhibited at the Chill-Out.

Jury: The composition of the jury will be made public on the competition website.
The final decision of the jury will be final. The result of the competition will be published on the competition website on 30 November 2010.

To consult the rules click here (pinche aquí)

to consult the registration form click here (pinche aquí)

to see the jury’s decision and the winners of the competition click here (pinche aquí)