
Panel Discussion on Collecting and Video

12th april 2014

As part of the exhibition Universo vídeo. La Magia de las Imágenes

The normalisation of video technology in the context of artistic practice, as well as its subsequent collection, leads to questioning the status of a copy that, not being anything new, as it already existed, for instance, in Old Rome regarding greek sculpture, transforms the previous paradigm of purchase, sale and archiving of unique objects.

How can we collect objects that can be reproduced ad infinitum? How can we assign them a value that must go beyond the economic? Which archiving practices must be used to preserve art pieces produced or designed in a consumable medium? Which criteria must be followed to set up a collection that goes beyond its support or medium as leitmotiv?

Addressed to: collectors, artists, gallery owners and anyone interested
Participants: Jean Conrad and Isabelle Lemaître, Collection Lemaître, París; Benjamin Weil, Director of Activities at Centro de Arte de la Fundación Botín, Santander; Louidgi Beltrame and Maïder Fortuné, artists taking part in the exhibition; and Cristina Cámara, audiovisual collection of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.

Moderated by: Alfredo Aracil, LABoral

LABoral grande 2 líneasGobierno del Principado
Institut français Bilbao

Embajada Francesa en España