Pablo DeSoto

Academic and multidisciplinary artist. Also editor

Gijón, 1977

Pablo DeSoto is a multidisciplinary academic and artist with iconoclastic experience across geographical and disciplinary boundaries. He holds a Master in Architecture from the Royal Institute of Architecture in Stockholm and a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He co-founded hackitectura, a collective of architects, programmers and activists responsible for pioneering projects of public space intervention with critical technologies, whose works have been exhibited at ZKM Center for Art and Media, LABoral or at the Bienal de Arte de Sevilla YOUniverse. He is the editor of the books Fadaiat: Libertad de movimiento, libertad de conocimiento, Situation Room: diseñando un prototipo de sala de situación ciudadana and After.Video: Assemblages. Artist-in-residence fellowships at Tokyo Wonder Site and Townhouse Gallery Cairo. He has won numerous awards, including LAB_Cyberspaces, LAB_JovenExperimenta, DKV and NTNU ARTEC.