
Opening DEMO 01

The opening day will include Performance Guerrilla Spatialization Unit by Ganzfeld and Concert mjúːzɪk(ə)l by Stultus (Tomonaga Tokuyama and Wladimir Schall)

27 May 2016

7.30 pm. Opening of the exhibition

8.00 pm. Performance Guerrilla Spatialization Unit by Ganzfeld

Ganzfeld is a guerilla audio spatialization unit featuring hacked multi-channel trumpet and bass guitar. Utilizing a self-made, wireless adhesive transducer system, Ganzfeld aims to activate the unique resonant surfaces and architectures of each performance space – fashioning speakers out of windows, doors, stairs, walls, chairs, vans, buses, boxes, insides, outsides, ups and downs.

Ganzfeld is Liz Allbee and Sukandar Kartadinata.


8.30 pm. Concert mjúːzɪk(ə)l by Stultus (Tomonaga Tokuyama and Wladimir Schall)

Daily objects and ordinary moments, from popcorns to lighters, are captured, chopped, stretched, and stirred with digital tools. It is CDM (Concrete Dance Music) rather than EDM. What we cook is what you listen. What you see is what we drink.

STULTUS is a Paris based audiovisual duo by Tokuyama (JP) and Schall (FR). They bring their professional experiences over visual and musical domains to spread stupid ideas and clever visions through performances and other useless acts.

