On el funambulista

14th december 2014

A shadow theatre piece adapted during Luz, micro y punto’s artistic residency at LABoral.

Coinciding with the celebration of the December Market at El Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, the Asturian shadow theatre company Luz, micro y punto will show the work carried out during its artistic residency at LABoral, which will last until the end of the year.

Luz Micro y Punto has adapted its work On el funambulista to a new format, thus taking the piece to new scenic spaces that allow it to welcome a larger audience and improve its visibility. To this end, the group has modified the height from which it is projected, which has meant the incorporation of new elements that make it possible to generate the images in a different way and with a new dimension, giving the work a visual and scenographic change.

On el funambulista is an artisan shadow theatre piece that uses analogue technology. The mixture of the fabrication of silhouettes and sets using traditional techniques, with a personal staging that reveals the intricacies of this scenic art, makes the work a more contemporary shadow theatre. The show uses overhead projectors and magic lanterns to generate images, and a keyboard, a metallophone and a mini-accordion that weave the visual part with melodies.

Aimed at: all audiences, from 4 years old.
